New on Instagram: face filters and location and hashtag

Instagram released new features last week, which include e.g. Face filters and location and hashtag stickers familiar from Snapchat, which make it possible to find people interested in the same topic or location in a completely new way.

Face filters

Instagram has taken the familiar face filters from Snapchat to its Instagram Stories features. There are a total of eight face filters and they work not only Benin Phone Number List for pictures but also for videos, rewind videos and boomerangs. In addition, the feature recognizes more faces, so you can also test the feature with a friend.

Location and hashtag stickers

Phone Numer list

You can now also add location and hashtag stickers to Instagram Stories photos, and with these you can search and find people interested in the  same things in a whole new way. From a marketing point of view, this is a particularly interesting feature and choosing the right hashtags using Stories can have positive effects, e.g. for brand recognition.

The picture below shows this functionality in practice, i.e. Stories have been brought up to the very top of the search results, which when clicked will bring up people or companies with this location information or stories using a specific hashtag.


It will be interesting to see how Instagram develops Phone Number IR in the future, whether Instagram will get an interesting product feature from the point of view  of online stores, in which case you might also shop on Instagram . Or will there be something completely new in the features that we can’t even think of yet?


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