Your company does long-term marketing on Facebook, shares content, runs advertising campaigns, organizes competitions, plans and implements. Still, I feel that it could be better and that Facebook marketing should produce more results. Where is the fault?

You’re targeting wrong

On Facebook, as in all other marketing, targeting is everything. Even good marketing is pointless if it doesn’t find its target group. So it’s worth thinking again: is Facebook marketing targeted at the right target groups? In addition, it is worth following the statistics of the ads: which days of the week are the ads clicked on the most?

You advertise with too little budget

Facebook gives quite a bit of organic exposure Cayman Islands Phone Number List these days, and updates do not appear organically on almost all followers’ feeds without a monetary investment. Of course. Facebook is a business and of course they want companies to spend money on marketing there. The more euros you put into advertising, the more visibility and coverage your updates and ads get.

3. Your ads and posts are boring

Phone Numer list

The third reason is more annoying than the first two: what if both boosted posts and separate advertising campaigns are just so uninteresting that they don’t entice you to click on the page and read more? For this reason, in advertising campaigns, it is worth testing different ads to see what resonates best with the audience. It’s also worth monitoring what kind of posts get the most reactions, visibility and likes. The reason for the lack of results of Facebook marketing can also be completely independent of marketing. Your company’s website may be getting a  Phone Number IR sufficient number of real visitors through Facebook, but at this point something goes wrong. Is the layout of your website okay? Is it easy to contact from there? If it is an online store, are there enough sizes and is the purchase process as a whole easy? At this stage, poorly designed websites or an incomplete online store dampen the interest of a potential buyer.