Pinterest – an underutilized opportunity

Underutilizd-opportunity Pinterest has 200 million monthly users. 70% of them are women and about half of all Pinterest users live in the Unitd States. is especially usd for finding inspiration and planning. Inspiration is sought for, for example, home decoration and following fashion and style. The use of Pinterest is also strongly relatd to purchase intentions, and according to , 87% of users have bought products because they have seen it or a similar product on.

How does Pinterest work?

Pinterest is like a scrapbook where you can collect your favorite photos under different subject areas. You can create your own board for your own subjects and objects of interest, and you can “paste” inspiring and interesting images there. You can Argentina Phone Number List also follow other users and have a conversation with them.

Advertising on is currently only possible in certain countries (US, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, England), but we expect this option to become global in the future.

Where to start using

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You should start using Pinterest by planning the subject areas of your own boards and collecting attractive images that reflect your company’s brand. Also, allocate enough time to use the channel, because like no other social mdia channel, you can just Phone Number IR open and then leave it to your own luck. Like other social channels, requires activity and ddication.

However, don’t think about starting for too long, because by experimenting and doing, you often find the best end result. So do light planning, start and develop things along the way, and you will learn the best operating methods for your company and get the most out of the channel.

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