Have you ever encountered this situation? You saw a beautiful picture on the Internet and wanted to use it as your own wallpaper or material, but you found that there were watermarks and stickers on the picture, making it impossible for you to do so? Now, we are going to teach you how to use photography skills to remove picture watermarks and stickers, making your pictures look brand new! 1. Preparation First, you need a smartphone or camera with good performance. Secondly, you need to know some basic photography skills, such as how to adjust the light, angle and distance. In addition, you also need some commonly used image editing software, such as Snapseed, Adobe Photoshop, etc. 2. Watermark removal techniques 1.


This kind of sport requires

Deformation repair method: This method is suitable for watermarks that are  Asia Mobile Number List  relatively obvious in the picture. You can remove the watermark by deforming the picture. The specific operation is to first apply the watermark with your fingers, and then use the deformation tool in the software to adjust the image to the best state. 2. Mask erasing method: This method is suitable for situations where the contrast between the watermark color and the background color is large. You can set the watermark part as a mask color, and then erase it with your fingers or other tools to remove the watermark. This method is simple and easy to implement, and the effect is remarkable. 3. Tips for removing stickers 1. Partial magnification method:



This method is suitable for situations where the contrast

This method is suitable for situations where the sticker is relatively small and the location is obvious. You can remove the sticker by enlarging the image and then using your finger or other tool to move the sticker into the background color.between the sticker color and the background color is large. 2. Fuzzy masking method: This method is suitable for situations where the sticker is relatively large and difficult to move. You can remove stickers by setting them to a mask color and then using the blur tool to cover them up. This method requires patience and skill, but the results are dramatic.