NELS BY SPEND % OF RESPONDENTS Paid search marketing (Google) 42.channels with proven track records so you can build some goals. You want to lean on your dependable marketing and forecasts you have confidence in. Social media Web design and development  Social media (organic)  Email marketing 29.80% Search engine optimization (SEO) Video marketing  Content marketing 24.60% Influencer marketing  Other  Monthly digital marketing spend Digging deeper, we asked respondents about their projected monthly digital marketing budget for 2024. Here’s what they had to say: monthly. You want to digital marketing budget What does this mean?


With over half of our respondents indicating they

ll be allocating for their monthly C Level Executive List  digital marketing. The efforts, it’s evident business leaders are giving themselves some wiggle room with their spending. For businesses with extra spend, Trevin advises diving beyond tried-and-true strategies quote 2 I always recommend investing. You want to 10-15% of your marketing budget into new channels. Many companies overly focus on the channels that have worked well for them in the past and don’t develop enough new marketing channels that might work even better. Be bold with of your budget and try some new things so you’re able to find and develop.

 C Level Executive List

Less than digital marketing investment

Digging deeper into spending and Cambodia Phone Number budgets, we asked business. The leaders how their digital marketing investments for 2024 shape up against their 2023 spending. 2024 vs. 2023 digital marketing investment What does this mean? With economic uncertainty ever-present in 2023, it’s exciting (and encouraging) to see that of business leaders are increasing their digital marketing budgets for 2024. WebFX’s Lead Sr. Web Strategy Consultant, Dan Varno shared: dan v quote 1 For many, the economic wobble has caused budgets to be frozen, decreased, or allocated to more immediate wins. Many who decreased their digital spend have