Running a business means having the opportunity to significantly improve your financial situation. This approach to work allows you not only to improve your life. But also to guarantee a prosperous future for your family.
Yes, starting a business is often associatd not only with various risks. But also requires serious investments – both financial and moral-physical. At the beginning of the path, various difficulties may be encounterd. But the result, expresse in financial stability and independence. Fully justifies all the efforts investd.
The overall financial success depends on the quality of every little thing. Your income is determind by the efforts and time investd in the business. The source of this income is satisfid customers. Their loyalty and willingness to return for services is the best indicator of high-quality work.
How much do entrepreneurs earn in Russia?
The income of entrepreneurs in Russia varies and sweden phone number list depends on the form of ownership and the field of activity. According to Tinkoff Magazine, the average monthly revenue of a Russian individual entrepreneur is 0.6 million rubles. Legal entities earn more – their average monthly revenue is 3.8 million rubles.
- 700,000 ₽ for small business
- 5.8 million ₽ for large companies
In the logistics sector, the figures are lower:
- 300,000 ₽ for individual entrepreneurs
- 3.4 million ₽ for legal entities.
The leaders in revenue are copper and aluminum producers. They have an average monthly income of 44.3 and 31.5 million rubles, respectively. Companies comparison of different types engage in the processing of alcohols also show high results – their average revenue is 28.4 million rubles per month.
Among individual entrepreneurs, those who work with gaseous fuel and sell household appliances have the highest income.
Motive 2: Be your own boss
Owning your own business gives you complete control over the decision-making process. Where an employee has to silently follow directions, a businessman decides which way to go next. This is true autonomy in action.
Owning your own business gives you a unique opportunity to philippines numbers choose your team and work with whomever you like. The atmosphere of work and, ultimately, the success of the entire enterprise depend on who you attract to the team and how you distribute responsibilities. Not having to report to higher-ups, working alongside unpleasant people and the ability to choose partners to your liking is an important aspect for many entrepreneurs.
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