Another Problem is That Automatic Configuration Does Not Provide Data Coverage From Universal Analytics. Events That Are Not Described as  Are Not Automatically Sent to Ga4. This Configuration Also Did Not Add  Addresses to Exclusion, Connection to Google Search Console and Google Merchant, and Referral Exclusions.
It is Worth Mentioning That You Will Still Have Access to the Previously Collected Data. Closing Google Analytics 3 Does Not Mean That You Will Lose Access to the Tool. You Will Still Be Able to Analyze the Information Collected So Far, All Within the Terms of the Free Version.

what is worth knowing about the new service

We Heard ws number list About Google Analytics 4 in October 2020. Since Then, It Has Been Possible to Use Both Versions of the Tool Simultaneously. However, Few Website Owners Have Chosen This Solution.
At the Beginning, It is Worth Noting That Ga4 is Still in the Testing Phase, and the Structure of This Tool is Constantly Being Developed and Expanded With New Functions. Even Though Google Has Announced the Availability of Many Data Analysis Options, It is Still Difficult to Say How Useful the New System Will Be. Nevertheless, It is Worth Knowing Its Specifications and Aspects That Distinguish It From Google Analytics 3.

Is it worth agreeing to automatic GA4 configuration

In March, the Company Began Phone Number IR Generating Google Analytics 4 Automatically for Users of the Previous Version of the Tool. So if You Were Using Google Analytics 3, This Change Also Affected Your Services. In the Current Version, There is a New Option That is Enabled by Default, I.e. Consent to Automatic Updating of the Tool. If You Have Opted Out of This Solution, After Disabling Google Analytics 3 You Will Have to Install a New Version Yourself.
Unfortunately, Such an Update May End in Failure. Even Though Ga4 Itself Has Been Established, It May Not Collect Even Basic Site Traffic Data.