What is Google Analytics 4 Why is it worth using the new Analytics

The Digital Landscape is Constantly Changing. Technological Progress and Growing Consumer Expectations Mean That Once Effective Solutions No Longer Bring the Expected Results. Google, Wanting to Meet Market Requirements, Has Developed an Innovative Tool, Google Analytics 4, Which Will Soon Replace the Previous Version – Google Analytics 3 (Universal Analytics). Before Switching to a New System, It is Worth Getting to Know Its Functionalities. In This Article, We Will Discuss the Characteristics of Ga4 and Tell You Why It is Worth Making This Change Now.

Google Analytics 4 – a short history

Google Announced That as of July 1, 2023, Google Analytics whatsapp database Universal Will No Longer Handle User Requests. Despite the Correct Presence of the Tracking Code on Websites, Data Will No Longer Be Collected and Analyzed in the Tool. Therefore, You Will Only Be Able to Use Ga3 to Examine Historical Data About Traffic on Your Website. Unfortunately, Such Information is Not Sufficient to Obtain a Complete Picture Regarding the Effectiveness of Marketing Activities.
To Meet the Expectations of Website Creators, the Company Presented a New Version of the Tool, Google Analytics 4, in Which After July 1, 2023, You Will Be Able to Analyze Data Regarding User Traffic on the Website.

Switching to GA4 choice or necessity

Google Analytics 4 is Still in Beta. This Phone Number IR Means That the Tool Lacks Several Important Functionalities That Were Present in Ga3. However, Since the System Was Updated, the Company Has Been Conducting Public Consultations and Based on the Information Collected, It Identifies Actually Useful Functions. However, It is Worth Mentioning That by the Time Google Analytics 3 is Disabled, the New Version of the System is to Be 100% Ready and Optimized for Functions Used by Companies.
So the Question Arises: is a Direct Switch to Google Analytics 4 Necessary? Even Though the Tool Will Not.It is Worth Familiarizing Yourself With How It Works and Starting Collecting Data Now.4 Why is it worth using the new Analytics

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