What is customer, In other words, maintaining a user is cheaper than building loyalty. In addition, the ROI (return on investment) is more effective by. Retaining the client than by trying to convince them to stay with us. Increased interaction thanks to customer loyalty If the customer is satisfied. They feel motivated to express their good experience in a review. comment or reaction, whether on the brand’s website or on one of your social profiles. Increasing engagement . Of course this helps us improve the image of the product or service to the public. It may also be that the user left us a suggestion. Which is also positive because it tells us specifically how to improve and deepen loyalty. A satisfied and loyal customer attracts new customers. The best social proof you can have is what your customers do.

Reduced marketing investment

What is customer, This also has an impact on your accounts. Because it reduces the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) . You don’t have to spend money to attract new users. They bring them to you. With customer loyalty you sell more A satisfied customer buys more. So sales or hiring will be more frequent, making the business grow in every sense. This gives more stability to the job function email list company and allows it to continue improving the brand. Especially in terms of the quality of the service or product. This means that the brand is established in the market. Becoming an extra benefit. Marketing is improved By having so much customer involvement with the brand. We can get to know them in depth and see how to improve marketing. Strategies for new products or services.

With customer loyalty you sell more

Now that we know the definition. As well as the benefits, it is time to see how to build customer loyalty in practice. Take note of these 11 proven strategies. Identify your buyer persona Regardless of our product or market. It is essential to identify the type of person we want to reach. Create a general profile that encompasses the average audience. Of course, if our company addresses different needs. A buyer persona profile is required for each department or category that we offer. Some of the things we should consider are. What are your real needs How urgent are they. How do you want to satisfy them? What media do you use Of course. each market requires different questions to be used to identify its target audience .