The total number of Of Truth t in purchasing. Thus user generat content allows you to increase the visibility of the brand and combin with a supporting corporate strategy allows you to increase the organic reach of your online presence. There is therefore no best recipe or best social network to position your advertising campaign. Every company should find the social network that is best able to intercept potential customers. But the quality and quantity of the content communicat will always be the formula for obtaining a return on investment that is satisfactory both in terms of brand positioning.
Therefore memorization and consequently profit
SHARES About the author Mariano seo expate bd Diotto Brand strategist, neuromarketing and neurobranding expert and founder of a master’s degree in Web Marketing & digital communication from the IUSVE university | Always present in the social world, I have cultivat a passion for communication by working on the radio as a speaker, writing children’s novels, teaching at university, as a brand strategist for companies and agencies, holding numerous conferences on the world of communication, advertising and web. PREVNEXT Leave a comment Comment First name* E-mail.
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Email, and website in this browser for Phone Number IR the next time I comment. Generation C: Consumer awareness, technological push and economic benefits April In Digital & Social Here are the elements that will guide the consumption choices of Generation C: the intergenerational public that uses the digital world as the main means of communication. By , an entire generation, Generation C will have grown up in a prominantly digital world. Computers, internet, cell phones, text messages, social networking – these are the tools of secondary importance for members of this group. For Generation C, familiarity with technology, confidence in mobile communications, and the desire to stay in touch with large networks of family, friends, and business contacts regardless.