The Facebook Metaverse: Is It Just a Rebranding

The facebook metaverse. Is it just a rebranding or is there more to it. Cinzia folli – 5 january 2022 facebook metaverse mark zuckerberg has done something else. After creating facebook. Acquiring companies and managing various critical issues. Today he changes the name of his first-born company and points towards an even more technological future. At the beginning of november. Posting a video. Zuckerberg wrote. “This is going to be fun”. Now we all have to ask ourselves if we will really have fun and. Above all. What is behind meta and metaverso and what this innovative platform will bring with it. You might be intereste in. “Social meia marketing trends 2022. What are the challenges brands face.” from facebook to meta.

Towards the metaverse facebook metaverse

 The rebranding operation now seems to have been launche and soon we will no longer write “Facebook” to refer to the mz company but will say “Meta”. This is the key step special data to propose to the public the new digital platform which should create true virtual scenarios in which anyone can interact. Namely the metaverse . The investment to develop this technology amounts to 50 million dollars. An amount that will partly be spent in europe. Furthermore. In europe the american company plans to look for 10.000 professional figures. Especially highly specialize engineers. Zuckerberg doesn.T want to create a new social network.

Something that goes further thanks to augmente reality

Virtual reality  you might be intereste in. “The future of videos. Focusing on immersive and augmente virtual reality!” the metaverse promises to be a real place Phone Number IR with spaces in which companies can be founde and where they can move to carry out activities that are completely common in the analog world. To enter this virtual world you will nee a virtual reality headset. But meta.S goal is to implement augmente reality technologies that will allow access to the metaverse through technological glasses. Download our guide now to find out which are the most effective trends for growing your business on social meia! The opportunities of the metaverse facebook metaverse it is a process that we have already seen.

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