Tag: lead generation strategies

  • “Articles are a brutal generator of qualified traffic”

    Let it be known that I emphasize the word qualified.

    A sporadic visit from Google is not the same as a visit to my blog that comes from the SEMrush blog, for example.

    The percentage of people who click on a link from a guest post and subsequently become followers of the author’s blog is quite good.

    I wrote several guest posts, all of them well-crafted, and thanks to them I generated more than 3,000 visits when my blog didn’t even get more than 1,000 a month in its first few months.

    For a newly created company blog, after having tried

    several strategies, I would recommend writing more guest posts than articles on your own blog .

    Think about it, what’s the point of writing 2 articles a week if almost no one reads them?

    Doesn’t it make more sense to write a big article every 15 days and write more on other blogs to make yourself known?

    I recommend that you create a base of initial iraq email list articles of the highest quality.

    If they are not good articles, no one will want you to write for their blog. Then go ahead and look for guest posts.

    Not only will you generate web traffic, but you will also receive more proposals, more clients and more subscribers to your company blog.

    Seriously, it’s better to get 1,000 visits from this type than 10,000 from Google.

    4. Subscriber list: the source of recurring web traffic

    A newly created company blog should start building its subscriber list right away.

    However, in my opinion, you “Articles are run contests and giveaways on social media a brutal shouldn’t try to get subscribers in exchange for blog posts.

    Too many people already do that.

    “Offer free content from the moment you open your company blog”

    It doesn’t have to be a 20,000-word book, far from it.

    As long as it is something concrete, attractive phone number spanish and useful, it is more than enough.

    I created an eBook called “10 Ways to Generate Traffic Bypassing Google” which, as you can see, is formatted similarly to this article I’m writing right now.

    The eBook got me my first 100 subscribers and the list just kept growing from there.

  • Networking at home for your company blog

    If you have a blog, you know perfectly well how nice it is to receive a comment on an article, especially if you have just started and your articles have less than 5 comments on average.

    A person who decides to stop, read your entire iran email list article and also leave a comment is someone you should take care of.

    The percentage of people who do this is very small and, therefore, the relationship between a blogger and his commentators is much closer than many think.

    So if you have a newly created blog, get out there

    and comment on other blogs’ articles .

    It’s free, you’ll learn tons of things by reading the articles, and you’ll build relationships with other bloggers and professionals. All in one.

    When I started my blog I was already a regular commentator on several blogs that I loved.

    I continued to comment as I did before I had the blog and, in return, I managed to make friends with several bloggers who offered me jobs, guest posts and many other collaborations.

    And on top of all this, by writing thoughtful and valuable comments, I managed to generate hundreds of visits to my blog .

    To ensure your comment doesn’t go unnoticed, you easily create an online store just have to follow 3 small rules:

    1st Add value:

    A comment with a “ Thanks, what great content. Greetings ” does not contribute anything. However, a comment that asks questions that may arise, that provides more information to an article or that makes people think will generate curiosity.

    And curiosity turns into visits.

    2nd Don’t spam:

    Don’t even think about including a link to one of your

    articles in your comment, unless it is 100% justified.

    Also, don’t use a name to comment Networking at home with a keyword to carry your no follow link with a keyword, we all already know that.

    3rd Be consistent:

    There are commentators on phone number spanish certain blogs who are already known to the blog’s audience. Their comments are expected and discussion is generated around them.

    And you know: the equation is simple: more comments over time equals more traffic.

    3. Guest posting: the key to referral traffic

    There are many people who still think that guest posting is an SEO tool and nothing more.

    And I tell all of them the same thing I said at the beginning: you are wrong.

  • Some people think that opening a blog and writing is enough

    And then, when they see that not even their families read them, they get desperate and close down the shop.

    A blog without traffic is like a road without cars: useless. There’s no point in writing if no one is going to read it, right?

    So, I come back to the question at the beginning: how can you generate web traffic for a newly created company blog?

    How can you get those first few thousand visitors that will help you build a community and establish your blog?

    This is what I’m going to talk to you about today.

    7 Ways to Generate Web Traffic for a Newly Created Company Blog

    As I said, I will show you 7 techniques that I have used, both on my blog and on those of some clients, that I know work and are capable of turning a 100% unknown blog into a reference.

    Here are some tips that will help you get web traffic:


     SEO: the cornerstone to increasing web traffic

    I can safely say that the vast majority indonesia email list of traffic to most blogs comes from SEO.

    As with everything, there are special cases (in fact, SEO is not the main thing on my blog either) but that’s how it is in most blogs.

    Positioning a keyword , whether it is 20 use video to enhance your portfolio monthly searches, 200, 2,000 or 20,000, generates stable traffic for you .

    You don’t have to go looking for it, it doesn’t depend on you writing every other day. It’s “passive traffic” that comes on its own.

    Almost all bloggers struggle to rank for thousands of keywords and get that much-needed traffic, and that is why this source, despite being one of the most powerful, is also one of the most difficult, especially for a newly created blog.

    How does a newly created company Some people think that opening blog manage to generate web traffic?

    This is the question that many phone number spanish companies ask themselves, knowing that the moment when a blog is launched and its first few months of life are the most complicated.

    Because, unless you have a good budget behind you, you will have to figure out how to start generating web traffic and getting readers.

    This is why many blogs die before they even get started.

  • All your questions and recommendations on measuring SEO

    This is the first of the cases I mentioned, and in other words, it means that other marketing channels are completing fewer high-value conversions that organic search has helped with.

    To simplify this, it is necessary to determine how other channels provide final value.

    A first click on Adwords is not the same as a first click

    on Social Media, for example.

    You have to be clear about the strategy and the india email list way in which each one helps in the conversion, and so, for example, if we drastically reduce Adwords, we can come to understand that the assisted conversion and last click value will decrease, consequently affecting organic traffic if the former serves as an initial point of contact.

    To see it better, we will create a segment in the Multi-Channel Funnels section in which we only see organic interactions.

    The filter is because there is always the use multiple payment gateways – seo benefits possibility that we have a large number of routes where organic has not contributed, so if I include them, I will not be able to accurately understand what role SEO plays in the rest of the channels.

    This will tell us that if, for example, in Adwords we have a decrease in conversions, it means that we need to improve the performance of PPC campaigns to improve SEO traffic.

    In other words, it is about working phone number spanish as a team to improve both things.

    Decrease last click value

    As I mentioned earlier, when there is a decrease

    in last click conversion value it is because organic search is completing fewer direct conversions.

    There may be many reasons for this behavior, it is no longer just a matter of filtering:

    1. The decrease in organic measuring SEO traffic can be due, as you know, to a change in the algorithm, seasonality, increased competition in the SERPs, etc.

    So, from that point of view, what we can do is solve the problem from the outside

    2.  The second reason is a decrease in the performance of other channels.

    For example, a decrease in traffic and conversions from Adwords, or from Email Marketing. The solution? Improve the performance of these channels.

    3.  It may also be due to the value that we are associating in objectives to each page, so in this case the solution would be to redefine the objectives.

  • Decrease in assisted conversion value

    We start measuring with a basic concept: organic traffic not only helps conversions that end up directly in it, but it also helps in assisting conversions that are later completed by other marketing channels Social Media, PPC, Email Marketing, etc.

    Therefore, it is logical and normal to think that to measure the quality of SEO traffic, we should start with the multi-channel attribution model.

    What are the steps to follow?

    ⇨ 1st   We log in to Google Analytics and click on the section Conversions » Multi-channel funnel » Overview.

    ⇨ 2º   We establish a period for the report, and we compare it with the previous period, always taking into account the actions that we Decrease in assisted have carried out and on what dates they were, both executed and distributed, and in what channels.

    ⇨  3º   The third step takes us to consider the hong kong email list value changes in assisted conversions from last click or direct conversions from organic search in the last month or period that we have selected.

    From this report we can draw conclusions and observe how assisted conversion value and last click conversion value behave.

    If there is a drop in the numbers, it means that the quality of organic traffic has decreased and that fewer and fewer users are converting through SEO as a sales channel.

    Quality can decline in two ways, so each must be

    understood separately, as Decrease in creative packaging ideas assisted each can lead to a new approach to strategy:

    First,  organic search is helping to drive fewer high-value conversions that will later be completed by other channels.

    Understanding these last channels as reference, direct, PPC, etc.

    This often results in a progressive phone number spanish decrease in assisted conversion value in organic search.

    Second,  organic search alone is completing fewer high-value direct conversions, leading to a decline in last clicks.

    Don’t worry if it sounds strange and complex, it’s just a matter of getting the hang of it.

  • SEO traffic through Multichannel Funnels

    How can this be achieved? For example, by introducing javascript codes that indicate that a visit is no longer considered a bounce after a certain number of seconds.

    We must always take into account our type of site and the objectives we have.

    It is not about considering that it is not a greece email list bounce after 2 seconds and boasting about it, but why not do so when the visit has been on the website for a minute and a half, for example?

    Example of SEO traffic quality on the web

    Something I personally always like to say when evaluating and measuring web traffic is that weak user engagement doesn’t always mean poor quality traffic.

    Having clarified this, I also want to say that commitment cannot be understood as a guarantee of high conversion.

    Let’s suppose that we are a company SEO traffic through that monitors actions on social networks , and we analyze the time on the page.

    Now let’s imagine that the tool starts to optimize product titles and descriptions become popular and as a result, many Community Managers start using it, spending a lot of their time on the web to measure and analyze the results.

    Google Analytics will report a strong user participation

    on the website, as well as high traffic, but since the users who visit our website are Community Managers and not really our potential clients, the phone number spanish tool will not help us much to get them, even if the traffic is organic and high.

    That is why, when we stop to analyze traffic, we have to do so by first identifying who we consider to be a profitable user, meaning that person who leads to conversions and/or transactions.

    In this sense, user engagement will be profitable if it is positively correlated with conversions, that is, as engagement increases or decreases there is a corresponding increase or decrease in conversions.

    A negative example of this is when average visit duration increases but over time, conversion rate decreases.

    Given all this, it is clear that engagement metrics such as bounce rate, average time spent or pages per visit can never effectively measure SEO traffic through the profitable engagement of users who arrive organically.

    What are multi-channel funnels?

    The multi-channel attribution model, also known as the multi-channel funnel, is one of my favorite topics in Web Analytics.

    The multi-channel funnel forces you to be a very rational person, to think a lot and to try different techniques.

    In turn, it is something that requires a deep understanding of the business model of the client we are dealing with and how the different marketing channels work together to create sales and conversions.

  • Measure the quality of your website’s SEO

    They say that quality is a subjective term and therefore cannot be measured, however, throughout this article we will learn how to measure the quality of our website’s SEO traffic and all of this using Google Analytics.

    Perhaps in some aspects, quality is a term that we use from a personal perspective, but luckily in SEO and Content Marketing, we can Measure the quality measure all our actions and we can do it in many ways.

    The important thing in these cases is to set germany email list some basic KPIs before planning our strategy, but keeping an eye on a “plan B” that we can organize as we execute our actions and they yield results.

    For all these reasons, in this article I am going to show you how we can effectively measure the quality of SEO web traffic in Google Analytics.

    In fact, we can measure web traffic in general and its quality, but here we will focus only on the traffic coming from SEO, so that this post is easier to understand.

    Please note that any questions Measure the quality Measure the quality you may have on this topic can be made public in the comments at the end of the article.

    What is web analytics in SEO and why do we need it?

    It is very common for content-heavy use high quality user-friendly website design websites, such as newspapers, to have a high bounce rate, low average time on site, and a low number of pages per visit.

    Typically, to put it in context, this is because users visit them to consume the latest content, leaving without barely interacting with the website and resulting in the high bounce rate we mentioned.

    Let’s learn about the measurement possibilities of Google Analytics

    By default, Google Analytics only phone number spanish shows us the time spent on a page when a visitor has visited two or more pages, creating an average of those viewed from the second page onwards.

    In terms of SEO and Content Marketing (which are so closely linked today) this is a point where we can improve.

  • Tips” to manage your Facebook Fan Page from the beginning

    1. Create a strategy and define your social media goals, then create your action plan. Don’t do it the other way around!

    2. Choose a design for your profile that aligns with your brand message and target audience.

    3. Provide the necessary information in the description, no more and no less; and include keywords from your niche, but always in the “native” language of your target.

    4. Optimize the description, URL and Information france email list tab by completing all the data coherently and clearly.

    5. Take a long walk through the Settings tab and go through its categories one by one.

    6. In this first stage, familiarize yourself and learn how to use Facebook Insight, you will have time to try out external tools. (Facebook Insight will be available after 30 “Likes” – Invite your friends quickly!)

    7. Facebook is a relaxed platform, show your most fun professional side. Humanize your brand!

    8. Start experimenting with different run contests and giveaways on social media types of content, but I recommend mixing (short) texts and visuals (photos, videos, GIFs, emoticons)

    Look for other Fan Pages and Groups in your same

    sector or related niches and start phone number spanish networking from minute zero.

    10. Interact and converse.

    11. Create a two-way channel between your Facebook Fan Page and blog, invite your blog readers to visit your page and vice versa.

    How to add Facebook widget to your blog from SEMrush_es

    Ideas for your Editorial Calendar for the first month

    Before giving you some ideas, we are going to stop here so that you can have an Editorial Calendar with top-quality Content.

    For your posts to be effective, it is important that you provide valuable content for your community, and you can achieve this if you stay focused on what your target needs, wants and expects.

    “Companies that understand social media are the ones that say with their message: I see you, I hear you, and I care about you” – Trey Pennington (put it as a highlighted quote)

    Another aspect that you should pay special attention

    to is identifying the best times for publications so that you have a greater reach and therefore more possibilities of being visible to a greater number of connected users.

    Here you will find the statistics from Facebook Insight useful, although I also tell you that studies have concluded that the pace of life on Tips” to manage your Facebook Facebook is very similar to that of real life.

    It is up to you to evaluate the most convenient time range as you see fit.

    If you like statistics, I recommend Dan Zarella ‘s page , one of the first HubSpot marketers and considered a Social Media scientist.

    Let’s give you some ideas to get started.

  • Is this type of business page paid

    No, you only pay for the campaigns and advertisements you run within the network.

    If you need more information, I recommend you have the following links at hand:

    ➧  Facebook Page Creation Help Service

    ➧  Facebook Help Forum

    As you may have seen, creating a Facebook denmark email list Fan Page for businesses or startups is very easy. The difficult part is maintaining consistency and taking the right steps to achieve your goals.

    For this reason, we are going to dedicate a space in this post to offer you elements that will keep you “On Track” to successfully navigate your journey on Facebook for businesses.

    Must-Know Statistical Data That Will Convince You

    82% of Spanish Internet users aged 18-55 use social networks, which represents 14MM people.

    Of them:

    96% use Facebook 7 days a week.

    Each one spends 4.30 hours a week using abandoned cart campaigns using the network, with an average of 39 minutes a day.

    The most frequent activities on Social Networks are seeing what their contacts are doing (66%), watching videos and music (58%) and sending messages (52%)

    9 out of 10 users on Social Networks follow a brand, the main reasons are: they like the brand and want to be informed.

    Of them:

    Facebook is the main network with 88% of users.

    52% have a positive perception of the use of advertising on social networks (only 9% think it is bad)

    12% of users have purchased through phone number spanish a social network.

    70% of users say that their purchasing process is influenced by the information they receive from social networks.

    Of them:

    86% say it was through Facebook.

    62% say that comments on social networks about a product or service value it a lot or quite a bit and 50% are influenced in their purchasing decision.

    39% of users use social Is this type networks to search for information before making a purchase.

    Of them:

    81% search on Facebook.

    And in the future, I tell you:

    Teenage Internet users (14-17 years) have a 97% penetration in Social Networks.

    Of them:

    They prefer Facebook over Twitter or Instagram

    Facebook is the network most used out of a total of 10 chosen in this study.

    Source: VI Social Networks Studies of IAB Spain_January 2015 (for Spain).

    With this data, I ask you:

    Are you going to continue missing out on the potential Facebook has for your business or venture?

    Are you going to throw in the towel once you have created your Facebook Fan Page?

  • Types of Categories to choose from to create your Fan Page

    • Local place or business

    If you have a business with a physical presence where you serve your clients and offer services and products, this is your category.

    • Company, organization or institution

    If your company does not have a physical customer service location or you are a freelance entrepreneur without a fixed office, you can consider this option.

    • Brand or Product

    Designed for companies that are already well-known brands in the market or for specific products. Example: Zara or Mango.

    • Artist, music group or public figure

    As the description indicates, this option is for usa email list people who promote themselves as public figures.

    • Entertainment

    This is the appropriate category for television programs, radio, books, magazines or entertainment events.

    • Cause or community

    This includes non-profit causes or communities to share interests with others in the same industry or related niches. Sales are not allowed at this point.

    Once you have decided which category is the most suitable, you will click on the selected one and you will be in the most important part of creating a Facebook page for companies.

    When creating a Facebook business use data analytics to drive sales account, you are likely to have many questions:

    1. Do I have to open a personal account first?

    Yes, currently there is no possibility of having a fan page on Facebook if it is not associated with your personal account.

    2. Will my personal data be visible on my fan page?

    No, this data is displayed only Types phone number spanish of Categories internally and will only be visible to administrators.

    3. If there is another administrator, will they have access to my personal data?

    No, if you have another administrator, he will not be able to access your profile’s personal data.

    4. Can I change the details on my company page at any time?

    Your data is concentrated in the Information section, clicking on Edit will enable the possibility of change.

    Also, you can customize in Settings.

  • Facebook Adds at your fingertips

    From a fan page you can create campaigns and make targeted ads to promote your business.

    ➠ Multipurpose management

    Only a Facebook Business Page allows you to have multiple account roles.

    That is, if there are several people in charge or if you decide to hire a community manager, you can assign different tasks to each person who manages the page.

    Finally, I tell you that Facebook does not allow you to have a personal profile for business purposes. If you do so and are detected, your personal canada email list profile would be cancelled.

    So, if you are not convinced by nature, you know that you have to accept it by law.

    Once we have summarized the most relevant differences, I assume that it is clear to you that the best option for your business or venture is to create a Facebook page and I will explain the steps required to do so below.

    Steps to create a Facebook page for companies

    The first thing to keep in mind is that you must have a personal profile on the platform.

    Well, let’s assume that you already easily create an online store have it and if not, with 14 MM Spanish people connected, you will surely have someone to guide you.

    Step 1# – Open your personal profile and go to the function to create a Fan Page

    You log in to access your Facebook phone number spanish Adds personal profile, click on the icon marked with the orange circle and then on Create Page

     Select the type of category to create a Facebook Fan Page that suits your business

    Although you can later modify the type of page or category from Manage Pages, try to choose correctly from day 0 the way in which you will present your business.

    I assume that you have your social media strategy and objectives well defined, so this decision will be much easier for you.

    This image will appear on the screen, with 6 types of pages to choose from. I will explain them to you below as soon as possible.


  • How to Create a Winning Facebook Page for Business

    Creating a Fan Page, or in other words, creating a Facebook page for companies, is a fairly easy task and very similar to creating a personal account on this social network.

    However, many people have questions about how to create and manage a professional page on this platform in its first stages.

    For this reason, in this first article for Social cambodia email list Media Week at SEMrush we are going to take a tour of this social network so that you are ready and 100% convinced to create your Facebook page and so that you get off to a good start on your journey on the fan page of your company or professional venture.

    Why create a Facebook Fan Page instead of using my personal account or profile?

    One of the most frequently asked questions I often encounter is whether there are substantial differences between the two types of accounts.

    The answer, obviously, is yes and I will let you know right now:

    ➠ Own statistics through Facebook Insight

    You will have invaluable data to fine-tune your social media strategy , such as: interaction and reach of each post, days and times when how to create an amazing digital marketing portfolio your followers are online, entries to the page and its tabs or interaction with the published videos.

    ➠ You can customize tabs

    Here, you can place relevant How phone number spanish to Create a Winning information for your business at first glance, which can work as a very effective visual CTA.

    ➠ It allows you to have a greater number of fans

    A personal account allows you to have “only” 5,000 friends while with a fan page the number of followers is unlimited.

    ➠ Easy for people to find and follow you

    A Facebook page allows you to have a personalized URL, which benefits you in search engines, and to become a fan of a page, all you have to do is give it a “Like.”