Project management techniques that come from the corporate world Despite this can help us in all of this, also to better define the objectives towards the results, learn to monitor them, identifying the necessary tools. Above all, learn from failures because this is also part of a good major donor fundraising strategy .
Supporting an organization through a legacy is no longer an unknown or Despite this intimidating practice. over 50 (about 25.5 million) has already made, or is planning to make, a charitable legacy.
Federica De Benedittis will talk
About it in this post. She will hold a course on this very latvia phone number library topic for the Fundraising Academy on April 1st and 8th, online. Enjoy the read.
If we look at the data from five years ago, the trend is certainly growing but only a further 8% declare GFK in the latest synoptic survey, they are those who will probably consider the idea of supporting a non-profit organization through a testamentary bequest.
Yet, making a will is a simple act and the impact of bequests for the projects of Non-Profit Organizations is enormous. For some NPOs they represent over 20% of the income and ensure long-term sustainability and diversification of donation sources ; communication about measure the quality of your website’s seo bequests, if done well, has a very low cost in relation to returns. And above all, bequests, if well promoted, make donors happy.
Why then are there still so
Few Italians who make a will for a good cause? The adb directory reasons are many and often lie behind some barriers still present in donors.
During the long phone calls with donors interested in bequests, I felt privileged to be a witness to their stories and their confidences behind which were hidden doubts and fears that the choice to make a will was not right not because of a lack of motivation and conviction towards the organization but because of fears generated by prejudices or lack of information, by an environment that did not favor conscious and serene choices.