Tag: Beginner Guide

  • If at 12 years old you need

    A super green pass to play football? where do our values ​​go?

    I will not go into the merits of the reasons that led to the introduction of the green If at pass ? while expressing total opposition to its adoption and its continuation also in light of the evidence that shows its limitations as a measure to contain the spread of the virus? but that sport is essential for healthy growth? both physical and mental health? is known and you don’t have to be a doctor to say it .

    If these restrictions are

    The eyes of the writer? incomprehensible to pakistan phone number library adults? they are heartbreaking if they are suffered by young people who? upon reaching the age of twelve (and only in our country? let us add)? are prohibited from participating in team sports as well as in any other social activity to which they have a birthright.

    A few days ago ? Maria Cristina Antonucci and I wrote about Amnesty Italy ‘s position on the executive’s decisions. Shortly afterward? voices from part of civil society linked to sport are raised.

    Still few? to tell the truth

    But an important signal that deserves to be listened to and I all your questions and recommendations on measuring seo hope it will make us all reflect.

    For example? the Veneto Regional Committee FGIC alb directory and LNC does not agree with an appeal shared by more than 50 sports clubs. It reads.

    “I will not be the responsible manager who will prohibit dozens of our kids and athletes who do not comply with the new FIP regulations from entering the gym to play: I am not a manager who is good for all seasons”.

    And so? Valerio di Battista ? historical manager of the Unibasket Lanciano company ? in the province of Chieti ( go to the news )? has resigned? contesting the obligation of the super green pass for children and? from the company’s Facebook page? concludes.

  • You so underestimate my intelligence that

    We talk a lot about emotions? but more as levers to be stimulated to You so  arouse attention and? above all? action and donation. Among those in the field? we are regularly reminded that:

    We are not thinking machines that get emotional? but emotional You so  machines that think. (Antonio Damasio? Descartes’ Error ? Adelphy 1994).

    Still in the sector? for decades there have been conferences? meetings and debates in Italy and abroad on communicating “with the head? the heart or the gut”? on the effectiveness or otherwise of “strong” images to show a problem in order to solve it.


    Let’s take a step back and get rid of the above-mentioned industry jargon? used only because I know I’m addressing industry insiders. I’m left with one question:

    Dear potential or existing supporter

    How do I make you feel with this fundraising oman phone number library campaign?

    Let’s try to ask ourselves this question in front of a mailing? a DEM? press announcements? sponsored posts on social networks? direct response TV spots in the launch phase.
    What is the answer? Here are some.

    “You make me feel so omnipotent? that then we will understand better I can restore sight to a blind person!”

    “ You make me believe that the African continent is a very poor little country that needs to be saved.”

    You make fun of me in

    The name of this or that saint? without having anything alb directory to do with religious institutions.”

    Catastrophist? Maybe!

    To conclude with a bit of optimism? there is some organization that before entering other people’s homes worries about how those who live there might feel . From the way it expresses itself? it shows that it is dealing with real people: Maria? Enrico? dad Giuseppe? grandma Rosanna? aunt Rita? Francesco? Lucia.

  • Individual fundraisers work to acquire

    We have an ever-evolving technology at our disposal? but we Individual fundraisers need to know it and make sure we capitalize on it. We know that good communication can make a project more relevant and can revitalize a suspended donation journey.

    But we also know that each potential donor has an independent path Individual fundraisers  characterized by speed ? acceleration ? intensity and pauses that do not take into account a funnel that we have built around them.

    We need to start thinking about

    Performance indicators other than those we are used to looking at? where norway phone number library the return on investment will be calculated in the medium/long term and on a set of activities that reflect the donation path and the overall level of satisfaction/fulfilment recorded.

    We like to think of the world as simple? linear and structured but the process of reaching people? gaining their attention? interacting with them and then acquiring value is a complex and nuanced process that is fundamentally “chaos”. ( Gianluca Diegoli )

    New supporters? retain them? and climb the fundraising pyramid one measure the quality of your website’s seo metre after another until they reach the top with in-memorial donations and bequests.

    That’s it? in short. For the rest? just continue reading this post by the ever-masterful Eleonora Terrile .

    All of this is included in strategies

    Planning? short-medium-long term design (the latter? unfortunately? a alb directory chimera) and packaged with the application of marketing rules? neuromarketing? fundraising? copywriting? donor centric? donor love and inclusive communication.

    In this great work? few pay attention to the emotional state of potential and acquired supporters when a fundraising campaign arrives at their home through a mailing? a print ad? a radio spot? a television or digital channel on TV? on a tablet or on the small screen of a smartphone.

  • Meta imagines virtual homes

    Crypto and NFT are now on everyone’s lips and we will hear Meta imagines  more and more about them because especially the younger ones are increasingly moving towards those fronts.

    Non-fungible tokens are all the rage lately? and astronomical sums of cryptocurrency have been exchanged for immaterial works of art .

    In 2021? NFTs worth more than $25 billion were sold. There are Meta imagines  numerous examples of how non-profits can use this technology to raise funds? here is one. The NFTs that free Egyptian women from prison


    In case you missed it? Facebook rebranded as Meta in 2021. At the time? many speculated that it was just a publicity stunt to deflect attention from the negative coverage of platforms in its fold? but the real reason Zuck took this step is because he’s going all-in on this technology in the near future.

    But what exactly will the Metaverse look like ?

    It will be a social platform with the support of a virtual nigeria phone number library world.  and offices where we can interact with friends? family and colleagues? as well as access apps to play games or create virtual events.

    In Italy? outside the big cities? cashless is still a mirage but slowly this tips” to manage your facebook fan page from the beginning payment system is also evolving. In the next few years we will live in a cashless society and maybe it is time to start thinking about donation systems that support this technology.

    Gaming Cashless fundraising

    The gaming sector is perhaps the most interesting and alb directory advanced future sector for fundraising? it has seen an evolution that is nothing short of crazy in recent years.

    If before they were seen as a pure entertainment tool? today consoles can perform the most diverse operations.

    Operation is no longer limited to gaming alone? but it is possible to surf the Internet and consequently use the network for entertainment purposes? by putting the devices in communication with each other.

  • Social media remains the key to increasing

    In a word? we need to become more professional. Not to imitate the profit world? Social media  absolutely not? but to build our own professionalism made of skills? innovation? clear objectives? concreteness? creativity? a lot of humanity and? why not (!?)? ambition. The ambition to achieve a result? to involve partners capable of making you exceed the objectives? to contribute to the realization of a project.

    If you are interested? I’ll be waiting for you at the Startup Fundraising course to tell Social media you about it and understand together how to do it!

    Dear supporter? how do I make you feel

    the digital evolution and its impact on the fundraising new zealand phone number library that will be

    Technology continues to advance at a pace that is difficult to absorb? and with it? the behaviors of users and donors are also undergoing a sudden change .

    But is it really like that

    In this article by Mattia Dell’Era ? who returns to the chair this year for the measure the quality of your website’s seo seventh edition of Startup Fundraising ? we try to examine the trends that could define the new frontiers of fundraising in 2022/2023 and the potential challenges that fundraising will face in the near future.

    2020 and 2021 have shown that nonprofits are resilient and alb directory versatile. They have shown that solutions can be adopted to meet the demands of the moment and digital can be used to improve daily operations? streamline processes and improve the work of NPOs.

    Audience reach (organic and paid) and the use of Facebook ? Instagram ? Linkedin ? Twitter and YouTube requires an increasingly structured editorial strategy.

    TikTok is gaining ground as a trend but to date it is still very complex to decline and create content for non-profits on this social media.

  • Changing scenarios, more skills needed

    Changing scenario  Corporate fundraising.

    The business world is changing. Italian companies are increasingly Changing scenario attentive, more aware of their role within community welfare, they know they must do their part.

    Everything simpler, then?

    No, for many reasons

    Talking to us today about how and why it is necessary to change our approach to corporate fundraising, Anna Fabbricotti in this post. Enjoy the read.

    The pandemic and, before it, the long economic netherlands phone number library crisis that Covid has helped to worsen, have seriously called into question the sustainability of welfare , unequivocally highlighting the fundamental contribution of the Third Sector as a generator of good practices, and, often, the only support and protection of the areas of greatest welfare crisis, but also the fundamental contribution that the business world can give.

    The change is there but, despite the acceleration of good then we will understand better practices given by the pandemic, it is still slow and studded with a thousand different facets:

    Gecause the Italian economic fabric is made up first of all of small, medium and very small companies that are closely linked to the territory, with many good intentions and ideas but often with little liquidity;

    Because not all entrepreneurs

    Both men and women, will appreciate our mission alb directory and in that panorama of micro-enterprises, they are often the only ones who decide and we must learn to understand this first and choose;

    Because we too must change our approach, learn to listen carefully, become capable of involving a company in a partnership that is effective and useful for everyone, removing prejudices and self-referentiality.

    We need to find new ways, new solutions to collaborate with companies , we need to learn to value the impact of our actions, make the objectives that the partnership wants to achieve clear and concrete.

  • Volunteers: Simplifying the opt-in experience

    Let’s say it firmly:

    In this way, surely,
    And in September, we return (also) in person. Volunteers Simplifying  With Startup Fundraising!

    To support all this, it is enough to think that the theme  Volunteers Simplifying  of transversal skills has been of great relevance for over twenty years also in the European context, in particular with reference to the strategic link between lifelong learning, harmonious and sustainable economic and social development. In this reference framework, the concept of competence is linked both to a system dimension by placing it at the center of the innovation and integration processes between educational and training systems and to an individual dimension that concerns the subjective process of acquiring skills in different formal, informal and non-formal contexts.

    The proximity of the services

    Actions of Non-Profit Organizations in the nepal phone number library territory of reference has now become the key to the development of these entities and volunteers in this perspective represent the mission of the organization and act as spokespersons for its needs, building its credibility and reputation, being the first to commit themselves to achieving the good cause.

    In this respect, the right selection, adequate training all your questions and recommendations on measuring seo and good practice that develops the transversal skills of volunteers are essential elements.

    If the council conflicts, sooner

    Later the association will pay the consequences.

    So what to do? My advice is to work on the dynamics alb directory right away even if you may not see the need for it.

    If we then think about the module that I personally curate (“Theory of change and social impact evaluation: elements of design for Fundraising”), the feeling of talking about “angel sex” is even stronger.

  • A test full of unknowns

    With a preface by Ken Burnett ? Federica De Benedittis ‘s new book (pictured? former lecturer at the Fundraising Academy) is being released today in the Contenuti per il sociale series . It is the ideal tool to accompany our organizations in this difficult era in which namibia phone number library very little is still certain and the future is an unknown that we must learn to face with determination? tenacity and vision.

    The crisis created by the pandemic

    Emergency first and the current geopolitical tensions that characterize our times beyond our front door? raise crucial questions about the role? motivations and objectives that social organizations must question themselves on? in the face of unstable socio-economic scenarios that instead require concrete and factual answers.

    The task of a non-profit organization that wants to live and re-propose itself thanks to the current complexity in progress? must reconcile different needs? in the awareness that in a global context with increasing tension such as the contemporary one? lucidity? flexibility? emotional then we will understand better intelligence? ethical culture and mastery in managing changes by experimenting with new decision-making approaches are require.

    As a publisher

    I am truly happy and proud to have been able to work on this product over these months and to have put my signature on it.

    And riches to be share with organizations that want alb directory to seize opportunities for growth and transformation? while the crisis calls into question certainties and consolidated practices.

    With Federica De Benedittis? contributions by Marco Crescenzi ? Francesco Pozzi ? Chiara Curiale ? Silvia Superbi? Non-profit organizations in change. Strategies and tools to face the time of uncertainty and complexity is available from today in paperback format (124 pages? 17 euros at this link with flaps or on Amazon with a fixed price) and in eBook format (9.99 euros)

  • How to make volunteering a life training experience

    Let’s talk about skills in volunteer work because too often we still think that giving How to make  our time for free means that anything goes. No? that’s not the case. Offering your support must have a double value:

    if on the one hand it can be a great added value for the organization How to make because it finds skills that are not present within it? on the other hand it has an equally immense value for the person because he can gain experience.

    Otherwise? an action that is

    An end in itself? that is? without identifying a mutual morocco phone number library advantage? can easily turn into a boomerang? to the detriment of both actors.

    Federica De Benedittis explains it to us in this post and? together with Raffaele Picilli ? awaits us on May 6 and 13 at the Fundraising Academy in a dedicated online course . Find out more at the link. Enjoy the read.

    Non-profit organizations are often a training ground for life where valuable actions are articulated and expressed and relational assets are changed? and where the role of volunteering is often essential and strategic.

    Being a volunteer today

    However? is not a given and automatic and in measure the quality of your website’s seo addition to motivation? the ability to integrate and adapt to rapidly changing organizational contexts is required.

    Now more than ever it is necessary for volunteers to alb directory be able to maximize their spontaneous and free contribution in their commitment to roles and activities that require complex and articulated skills and abilities. These are flexible skills? which is why they are called “soft” and their configuration? like water? adapts to the context in which people find themselves acting and interacting.

  • They proved to be fundamental during

    Within a few days of a new volunteer’s first shifts? it is important to thank them for their commitment. A text message or a phone call would be enough to ask them how they found it or what difficulties they faced.
    Keeping in touch with volunteers throughout the year is necessary? but without being too intrusive: hearing from them once a month is usually enough. This is even more true when volunteers have recently arrived in the association.
    Talking? meeting? communicating ? continuing education? celebrating together: new volunteers must not only feel at home but also feel responsible because volunteering is not a game!

    Let’s face it

    we talk about everything but we don’t want to talk about social networks anymore!

    It would seem that in recent months it has become malta phone number library increasingly difficult? if not impossible? to be heard and reach a dignified? if organic? audience.

    Talking about it? Rosy Battaglia ? founder of Cittadinireattivi and teacher of the Fundraising Academy in this post. And some useful advice 😉

    Enjoy your reading.

    Why and what are the alternatives?

    There is no denying it. Two years of pandemic and a war going on in the European continent have strongly influenced our real life? as well as our digital one.

    First of all? because these two epochal events have brought about profound measure the quality of your website’s seo changes in the mechanisms of information distribution. Bad and fake news? conspiracy theories? lack of trust in the media ecosystem? poor adb directory public and mainstream media communication have certainly influenced our use of Social Networks.   the lockdowns but now appear increasingly suffocating.


    On the one hand? Facebook and Twitter? for example? have been put into crisis by the casual use of the same by? for example? politics and economics.

  • There are us users, profiled in our

    On the other hand, the general strategy of the platforms that are not officially editorial There are  platforms but are in fact increasingly becoming so, seems to be to favor the rise of many influencers , adequately “pushed” by the algorithms, which however do not guarantee an increase in quality and the diffusion of good information.

    For this reason, there is also a shift of users to entertainment social networks (TikTok) or those linked to spheres of interest, such as Instagram.

    In the middle, however

    Every digital movement, crushed between keyboard warriors, the polarization of every discourse and the ineffectiveness of moderation systems, automated with increasingly sophisticated AI Artificial Intelligence systems , sometimes very “stupid” though, which mexico phone number library increasingly govern our lives.

    In this apocalyptic and dystopian scenario that actually reflects our lives now, what to do?

    In addition to building awareness around these mechanisms, taking a break then we will understand better when we feel the need. “Disconnecting” from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, in moments of overload both for personal reasons and because of the social and political context we are living, can only be healthy.

    And then rethink. Rethink our life, our time management.

    Understand that, perhaps

    It is more useful for our content to remain accessible adb directory on our site, on our blog, that it be more easily indexed and searchable. Consider that we can inform our community more effectively through a well-written newsletter or by creating an ad hoc group .

    In the meantime, the break will certainly help us understand what and who we missed. To select new users, new sources of information, new communities. Or to put on hold those we consider “harmful”.

  • One of the best ways to retain your

    Volunteering is a unique experience but it is not a game. A One of the  volunteer is a precious and unique resource. It must be recruited? managed and pampered properly.

    In this? Raffaele Picilli is a master and gives us some useful advice One of the  in this post. Then? together with Federica De Benedittis? he awaits us on May 6 and 13 at the Fundraising Academy in a dedicated online course . Find out more at the link. Enjoy the read.

    Finding volunteers is not easy at all

    But it is even easier to lose them.

    Volunteers and increase their engagement is to create a malaysia phone number library fun and impactful experience from the moment they arrive at the association. The first forty-eight hours of a new volunteer joining the association are the most important of all!

    If you want volunteers to remember the joy and sense of accomplishment they felt when they joined the organization? you need to be involved in their management by organizing their arrival in good time and calmly. Those happy memories can easily be overshadowed by feelings of frustration if volunteers feel that the organization’s management is disorganized or inefficient. Improvisation is a very high price to pay? and very often? this is exactly what happens.

    Here are some ways to make volunteering easier

    Make it easy to get information about adb directory volunteering in an association? the profiles required? post-entry training? selection criteria? any costs or limitations.
    We prepare the welcome of the new volunteer. We show him the office? meet the colleagues? settle in and ask questions to make the entry as easy as possible.
    Shift scheduling can be managed with scheduling software that allows volunteers to select shifts themselves. This way? the new volunteer can easily find his/her place without wasting too much time.