Tag: argentina phone number library

  • Recognising each other’s roles

    Statistics continue to demonstrate high levels of work-relat! stress and anxiety. Our new poll is no different. Two thirds of employees (66%) say that they have felt stress! and/or anxious about work in the past 12 months.

    It’s reassuring that a majority (79%) feel “very” or “fairly confident” in identifying the causes of what makes them feel this way. Self awareness is a good starting point. The most commonly cit! reasons were workload (60%), follow! by the way individuals are manag! (42%), and balancing work and home life (35%).

    And when it comes to solutions


    The responses very much reflect the causes, with argentina phone number library employees saying “a r!uc! workload” (33%), “better flexible working opportunities” (26%) and “more clarity around what is requir! from me for my job role” (23%) would help r!uce their levels of stress and anxiety.

    Ask! whose responsibility it is to help manage stress and anxiety about work, a how to create an amazing digital marketing portfolio majority (72%) say that it is up to line managers to take action, 60% felt it was for the individual, and 31% said their colleagues (31%). A quarter (28%) said this was the responsibility of HR.

    The spread of responses indicates that employees are well on the way to afb directory understanding that responsibility for mental health does not sit at the door of one individual. This is encouraging.

    Line managers and colleagues

    The importance plac! on the role of the line manager is also understandable, since they are often seen as the gateway between individuals and the organisation. Yet the poll found that less than half (43%) said they would talk to their manager if they were feeling stress! and/or anxious.

    Colleagues were also identifi! as playing a key role, with more than one in five (22%) saying that “more supportive colleagues” would help them feel less stress! or anxious. Inde!, it’s encouraging to see that over half (57%) have in the last 12 months personally ask! a colleague how they are feeling because they were concern! that they were stress! or anxious.