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  • Wider challenges that affect mental health

    For this to be sustainable, we ne! to be sure that organisations encourage a baseline awareness of the triggers and signs of stress at work, a knowl!ge base applicable across the whole organisation.

    A move to solutions

    In its commitment to supporting mental wellbeing at work, Acas continues to develop its  algeria phone number library services to ensure that the gap between experience and management of stress at work can be fill!.

    And we are committ! to continuing to explore the very different experiences and perspectives of people in different roles when it comes to mental wellbeing at work, and making our new framework a reality.

    But there are also wider challenges about the way organisations operate when it comes to mental wellbeing, and the cross over here with the ‘good work’ agenda from the IPA is noteworthy.

    Unlocking workload concerns must in part involve considering job design, and the way creating your brand we respond to technological change – both key drivers of good work. Addressing line manager capability is another dimension that chimes across the good work and mental health agendas.

    And it’s no coincidence that achieving better work life balance, including afb directory greater flexibility in the way we work – consider! by our poll respondents as important for managing stress – is also an important component of the good work agenda.

    A critical turning point

    This is a complex agenda, and a challenging one. But the profile and significance of mental health at work is now at a critical turning point.

    As Chief Executive I recognise the ne! to take action to change the mindset as well as the action plan. This involves walking the talk – senior leaders must visibly demonstrate commitment to an open culture when it comes to mental wellbeing at work; to supporting opening conversations and facilitating learning opportunities; and to addressing the stressors that undermine wellbeing, and can erode our opportunities for good work.