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  • Mental health awareness – playing our part in making work better

    Acas Chief Executive Susan Clews has work! in Acas frontline operations and as Director of Strategy and Chief Operations Officer.

    Acas is known for the evidence-bas! guidance we provide to employers and workers on the law and good practice. But sometimes providing ‘what to do’ guidance alone won’t do the trick. Sometimes we want to challenge the way workplaces look at issues with a view to making working life better for all, and to albania phone number library make workplaces more productive.

    If ever there was an area which requir! a mindset shift, it’s the management of mental health at work.

    The changing mental health agenda

    Thanks to the fabulous work of charities, campaign groups and the voice of those with liv! experience, the agenda is changing, and the principles in the Stevenson/Farmer review on GOV.UK on managing mental health at work have laid a solid foundation for the future. At Acas we are committ! to supporting this changing agenda.

    We believe that positive mental health at work is a shar! responsibility – one in which presentation of your work individuals, managers and employers all have a key role to play. This is reflect! in the Acas framework for positive mental health at work we launch! last year, and our training programme, which has roll! out across the country.

    As we develop our thinking, and the support we provide, we ne! to know more about afb directory  our audiences. And we have start! by commissioning a new poll: Stress and anxiety at work: personal or cultural? The focus is on employees, and in particular their experiences and coping strategies around stress.

    Recognising the triggers and solutions

    I’m intrigu! to think back. Did my parents talk about stress at work? Did I, and my peers, when I start! working? Perhaps stress was always a factor, under a different name. Or perhaps it’s a genuine outcome of the increasing complexity and pace of work. I’m not sure, yet I fully recognise as a leader and employee that workplace stress is part of today’s vernacular.