Stories in Instagram: show personality and create a relationship with the public

Introduced in 2016 initially to compete with the same functionality that made Snapchat famous, today Stories are used every day by over 500 million users on the platform (according to Instagram itself) and allow brands and influencers to communicate in an authentic and immediate with their followers. All this has transformed Instagram into something more than a simple collection of online photos, making it a real daily showcase of our lives.

What are Instagram Stories?

Instagram Stories are temporary Bahrain Phone Numbers List content (videos, photos or texts) that remain visible for 24 hours after publication. Subsequently, it is still possible to keep this content visible by highlighting it in the “Highlighted Stories” section of the profile. Today we wanted to discover together with this article how they work and how to use them to promote your business. instagram stories Why market with Instagram Stories? There must be a reason if more than 500 million people use Instagram Stories every day and for the same reason, those involved in marketing must take them into consideration because those same users who have a keen eye on new products and trends.

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How do you make Stories on Instagram?

If you use this social network daily you will Malaysia WhatsApp Number List surely know the answer to this question. But given that there are many people who don’t know this feature well, we decided to start from the basics. To make a story on Instagram just open the app and click on the (+) button . In this way you can choose the type of content to publish: Post, Story, Reel or Live. Alternatively you can go to the profile and then, again using the (+) button, choose whether to start a story from there. From here it will also be possible to create a featured story or a guide. The question you need to ask yourself right now is: what type of content do I want to create?

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