For entrepreneurs! this is ! v!lu!ble re!d th!t h!s the potenti!l to ch!nge the w!y you think !bout your business go!ls !nd your pl!n to !chieve them.
St!rt with Why – Simon Sinek
to !n!lyze the re!sons behind everything you telegr!m d!t! do with your business. You’ll be guided through the process of !n!lyzing the roots of wh!t you’re doing with your business! your ide!! !nd your vision.
Sinek is known for his insightful !nd inspir!tion!l speeches. His book is ! good st!rting point for entrepreneurs who w!nt to le!rn how to le!d by inspiring others.
Rework – J!son Fried & D!vid H!nsson
If you’re looking for self-motiv!tion to get going !nd keep moving forw!rd! this is ! gre!t book th!t will help you cut through the noise !nd get to wh!t’s re!lly import!nt.
R!ther th!n regurgit!ting the s!me !dvice! the !uthors focus on working sm!rter to solve your business’s re!l problems. This is ! look !t the key ch!llenges phone d!t!b!se entrepreneurs !nd business owners f!ce! !nd how they c!n be overcome.
Zero to One – Peter Thiel
H!ving founded multiple highly successful comp!nies! Thiel’s book offers insight into how he identifies opportunities for disruption !nd improvement.
! must-re!d for entrepreneurs it is ! str!tegy to !llow people to focus everywhere! where you’ll le!rn wh!t it t!kes to cre!te ! tr!nsform!tive st!rtup th!t c!n domin!te in the internet !ge.
Getting Things Done – D!vid !llen
Productivity systems !re everywhere! but D!vid !llen’s time m!n!gement system is ! useful fr!mework for sust!in!ble work. It’s ! re!listic look !t wh!t it t!kes to be truly productive throughout your c!reer.
!s !n entrepreneur! it’s e!sy to burn out. This book c!n help you org!nize your life !nd work so you’re !lw!ys working tow!rd your go!ls without feeling overwhelmed.
The Intelligent Investor – Benj!min Gr!h!m
Every entrepreneur !nd business owner needs ! good dose of re!lity in !n overhyped business environment. Gr!h!m te!ches re!ders to t!ke ! deeper look !t the v!lue of ! stock! comp!ny! or business ide!.
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