Registering a business: Simple step-by-step instructions

Would you like to earn some money on the side or become completely self-employed? Then, in addition to a good dose of entrepreneurial spirit and a clever business idea, you also need legal authorization to carry out your activity. To get this, you have to register a business. We’ll explain how this works and what else you need to know about registering a business in this blog post.

Registering a business: How it works at a glance  

  1. prepare documents
  2. Apply for business registration
  3. Fill out the tax office questionnaire
  4. Fill out the registration form of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry or Chamber of Crafts and Trades
  5. Contact the professional association
  6. Check individual official channels 

What is a business and who has to register it?

By definition, netherlands email list a business is used to carry out an independent, professional activity . The relevant legal basis is the Trade Regulations (GewO) . Section 1, Paragraph 1 of the GewO defines who can carry out a business. It states:

“Everyone is permitted to operate a business, unless exceptions or restrictions are prescribed or permitted by this law.”

Unless otherwise specified, run contests and giveaways on social media anyone can register a business and start a company . In the vast majority of cases, registration is also mandatory. In principle, registration is mandatory if an activity is carried out independently (not under instructions) and on a permanent basis and there is an intention to make a profit . The key word in the latter case is “intention” – even if it is already clear in advance that your company will be a failure that will never make a profit, you must register a business.

Exceptions to the Business Registration Regulations

As is often the case, china phone numbers there are exceptions to the obligation to register a business. This does not apply to freelancers and so-called primary production.


Freelancers such as artists, lawyers or doctors generally do not have to register a business. They only have to report the start of their self-employed activity to the tax office.

Now the question needs to be clarified as to when one is considered a freelancer and when one is considered a tradesperson. Freelance professions are generally characterized by two things:

  • A “creative talent” is used to provide a service.
  • The service in question is provided “personally, independently and professionally”.

The Income Tax Act (EstG) aims to define the status of a freelance person in more detail. Section 18 of the EstG defines a number of fields of activity.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you engage in scientific, artistic, literary or educational activities?
  • Are you a doctor, dentist or veterinarian?
  • Would you like to become self-employed as a lawyer, notary, engineer, architect, tax or business consultant?
  • Do you work as a journalist, photographer, interpreter or translator?

If you do not belong to any of the professions mentioned, you are most likely not considered a freelancer and will have to register a business.


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