Product history and a look at the messaging market

In this article, we will tell you about the key moments of the interview with the head of the development department of the Compass messenger . The interview was recorded in Andrey Baikalov’s podcast “Valuable Info.

Recently, our head of development department Fedor Chernov took part in Andrey Baikalov’s podcast “Valuable Info”. In the podcast, they discussed not only the history of Compass development, but also talked about why a corporate messenger is necessary for effective work in modern business. In this article, we will share a brief summary of the main points of the podcast.

Why create another messenger if there are already so many on the market?

I understand your doubts. But Compass is a corporate afghanistan phone number list messenger specifically for the effective work of business teams.

Yes, there are many popular solutions like WhatsApp* and Telegram for a wide audience. However, they are not business-oriented. And in the corporate segment, there is no single leader yet.

We see a niche here and an opportunity to create a product that will become a standard for companies. To offer them something that is currently lacking in the market.

Who are you competing with?

Paradoxically, for now these are the same WhatsApp* and jeff berk ceo Telegram. Many companies use them for work purposes out of habit and lack of alternatives.

At the same time, in the CRM or accounting sphere, there are clear market leaders. But for corporate messengers, there is no such leader yet.

We see our mission as filling this niche and becoming the first choice for businesses.

So you challenge everyone else?

Rather, we offer an alternative. We do not seek to replace philippines numbers messengers for a wide audience. Instead, we create a solution that is focused specifically on business tasks.

Unlike apps that are difficult to set up, Compass is simple and easy to use.

We believe that over time it will become the standard for corporate communications. And the first choice for companies that want to make teamwork simpler and more understandable.


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