Overall historical account performance

When your potential customer searches on Google, the search bots crawl and analyze the pool of advertisers bidding on the searched keyword or term. Google considers various factors in each ad, but these factors are the most important ones that you should be aware of:

Quality Score

There are 3 main components in the quality score which are:

  • Ad relevance: Google will analyze whether Sweden WhatsApp Number your ad copy is relevant to the keywords or phrases searched by people and whether it matches the search intent of users.
  • Expected Click-Through Rate (CTR): Google will determine the likelihood for your ad to be click by the users when shown on the search result pages.
  • Landing page quality and experience: Google will analyze whether your landing page provides relevant and useful information that reflects the user’s search queries.
  • : If you’re new to Google Ads, this factor won’t be considered. The performance of your ad campaigns will have an impact on your future ad campaign’s Quality Score


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Quality score usually will be use as a benchmark Australian phone number list to improve the quality of your ad copy and it is not necessary to get a perfect score for it. However, studies show that a high-quality score will help you:

  • Reduced costs: If you manage to get high-quality Quality Scores, Google will lower the cost per click (CPC) which helps you to improve your ROI.
  • Better reach: When you have higher Quality Scores, Google will display your ads on search result pages more often. This enables you to get more clicks that lead to better conversion without needing to increase your bids.

Bid Management

Google Ads bid management is the process of increasing and reducing your bid for chosen keywords that are related to your products and services. The main objective of bid management is to make sure you’re getting the best results from Google Ads. So bid management is one of the important factors as it determines where your ads show up in search results and how much you’ll be paying when someone clicks on your ads.

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