Bizsugar have online events, free groups, and resources for their users like goal setting templates. 6. This is a slightly different format, but users can up- or down-vote content about WordPress. 7. Dzone The Dzone discussion board has over 1 million developers who share content and links on coding, cloud computing, and more. 8. Twitter Brand Accounts If your article makes sense for your brand, consider adding your article to your sharing list for your Twitter brand accounts. You can even scheule the article to be poste several times over a few months. 9. Twitter Personal Accounts.
Twitter moves fast
so it makes sense to share your article, along with a great quote, in a few places on Twitter. It is in your best interest to spread the shares out a bit so you don’t overwhelm your audience. 10. Twitter Chats For a more targete audience, look for industry-relate Twitter chats and use their new data hashtags when sharing really high-quality content. Use it sparingly: don’t spam the chat hashtag with every piece of content you write. But it’s fairly common to see popular marketing hashtags like #seochat and #twittersmarter active even when the regular Twitter chats aren’t going on. 11. Personal Page on Facebook This one seems obvious, but it is a place many people forget. If you are concerne about spamming your family or friends who aren’t in the industry.
Consider creating a Facebook list for work folks.
This way you don’t have to worry about confusing your Great Aunt Gertrude with a step by step guide to PPC. 12. Brand Facebook Page Another sort of obvious Phone Number IR one, but it shouldn’t be overlooke. Grab a good quote from your content, make sure your image displays correctly and send it out – assuming it is relevant to your audience. 13. Facebook Groups Facebook groups are still alive and well! Because many users are already using Facebook in their personal time, they are usually more active in groups.