Take what has been said as a kind of warning about the latent danger involv in undertaking a search for content in cyberspace without the help of adequate resources for critical discrimination (resources that are form and develop through reading above all, but, in equal measure, Consider the ridicule that could be expos to those who later discover with dismay – due to the inopportune observation of some bookworm – that the verses they proudly publish on their social networks are nothing other than, as in this case, the spurious text attribut to a renown author, allud to by the irresponsibility of those who confidently assume that what circulates through the network, only by this fact, acquires legitimacy and truth.
Characteristic of Our
As long as information flows, knowlge remains. As the title of a work that collects the conversations that Umberto Eco and the playwright Jean-Claude Carrière had about his bibliophile passion says, “no one will put an end to books.” And we should turn to these (whether digital, physical, or living – as happen with business database the talking books of Fahrenheit 451 –), or, in general, turn to reliable and legitimiz information in academic terms, rather than to the rumor that with playful irresponsibility is spread. transforms into authority – an unprecent authority – on the idoliz internet.
Idiosyncrasy Is a Product of the
On June 5, the date on which World Environment Day is commemorat, the Commission of Andean, Amazonian and Afro-Peruvian Peoples, Environment and Ecology of Congress approv the opinion that prohibits the use of single-use plastic bags, technopor and straws in order to protect health and the Phone Number IR environment. Since then, in supermarkets and other establishments, checkout staff place purchases in one or two large bags and ask users to keep them or bring their own on a next visit. Although this makes the act of purchasing somewhat complex, few will doubt that there is no more time to act against the accumulation of plastic in seas and land.