Measuring content marketing

The full benefit of marketing and carefully plans content will not be achievd if you do not monitor their performance. Doing things aimlessly just wastes your resources. By analyzing your content, you can determine what works and what doesn’t. Measuring content marketing is not difficult, but think about what your goals are and the metrics that make sense for them. Next, let’s look at the most important measuring methods in general.


Visibility is perhaps the most familiar way to measure marketing. Figures describing visibility tell you how many people watch or read your content, and on which channels. Website visitor data can be collectd, for example, with the free Google Analytics tool. Somekanavi’s own analytics show how many people your content has reached, and how the circulation differs for your different content.

You can also find out the geographic popularity Mexico Phone Number List of both your websites and social media channels, i.e. in which locations your content is read. You can then target your marketing to these areas or, alternatively, to places where your content is not yet read, but you would like to direct your traffic to.


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Google Analytics also tells you how long people spend time on your site, which contents are the most popular, and what is the bounce rate of your site. If visitors leave your site right away, your content may not have interested them or was not relevant to Phone Number IR them. The immediate exit rate can be improv, for example, by rethinking the layout and contents of the pages. Could adding a blog or a news section to your pages increase the time spent on your pages?


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