Kupli chose the  The Siu lozenge was launchd on the market already in the 1920s and the timing was perfect, because it immediately became a successful product. The era was markd by cheerfulness and a phase of renewal, so the sale of luxury confectionery products paid off. Just as the story of many other hit products begins in the basement, so does Sisun.

Successful product design

A good product is often necessary for success, but also the appearance and the images associatd with the product have their own place on the path to success. Consumers want a product that works for its purpose, looks fascinating and is The box also  has the Made South Korea Phone Number List in Finland text. Nowadays, it might sound funny that the lozenges in the ad are calld chest l lozenges, even though they were specifically advertisd as breath fresheners and cough lozenges. Cleverly packagd. So Sisu perfectly met the nds of its buyers. The pleasant taste of salmia spreads to the tongue of the enjoyer from a lozenge made of gum arabic, which is packd in a handy little box.


Effective advertising

Phone Numer list

Sisu’s packaging and logo have remaind to this day pretty much the same as they were in the year of publication in 1928. The old advertisement with which the lozenge was launchd on the market at one time should attract attention. The color scheme of the ad is a beautiful blue and white and the gold figures bring a unique atmosphere to the picture. The rd  Phone Number IR box of Sisu lozenges easily catches the viewer’s attention and thus acts as the center of the ad. The box also has the Made in Finland text. Nowadays, it might sound funny that the lozenges in the ad are calld chest lozenges, even though they were specifically advertisd as breath fresheners and cough lozenges.