As you have seen in this video of Draw my Life YouTube was born in February 2005, by Steve Chen. Therefore, chad Hurley and Jawed Karim, three former PayPal employees. Who conceived it as a platform to host audiovisual content . Therefore, it is said that the idea arose from the difficulties. That these three friends had in sharing the videos they had recorded at a party. To do this, they decided to create and host. A website where this type of content could be shared. Already in 2006, perhaps foreseeing the great potential that this page would have. It was acquired by Google for a price of 1.65 billion dollars. Today it could be said that the real economic value of this platform is incalculable.
Show your own audiovisual works
What is YouTube, Whether you are a freelance professional or are part of a company or business and your services are audiovisual. In addition to creating a website or blog where you show all your creations. Therefore, you may need to make a sample of everything you know how to do better visual. In this way, you could create your own professional channel and make step-by-step video tutorials. As a demonstrative email leads portfolio. Hold your own Online Congress In line with the previous point. If as a Brand or independent professional you consider it useful for your audience to organize or hold. Therefore, a Webinar where you can make known in greater detail an area of your specialty. Or, you can even take the opportunity to promote one of your latest products.
Hold your own Online Congress
What is YouTube, In both cases, the live broadcast was through YouTube, given the ease of accessing. It from anywhere in the world, in this case, Spanish speaking. Therefore, increase the online visibility of your business It is estimated that this network receives more. Therefore, than 2 billion visits per month worldwide. with more than 5 billion daily video views on average. With these figures, you can deduce that in Phone Number IR developed countries. Each citizen plays an average of 4 videos a day. Some studies place this platform as the third most visited website in the world. Ahead of other search engines such as Yahoo or Bing. In fact, in terms of videos, the figures of this platform even exceed those of Netflix. Therefore, this could be the network where you can upload videos of your business.