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In short, it’s time to speed up your site on mobile. “Eh, but on a computer the problem doesn’t arise”, someone will observe. In response, data arrives: according to We Are Social, in Italy alone 49 million people use their mobile devices to surf the net. 80% of the Italian population. However, the problem is not just numerical. Faced with the very strong expansion in the use of smartphones, search engines have equipped themselves: since the end of 2017, Google has been penalizing sites that do not allow correct viewing on small screens.

You can always do a quick

(Pass pass If you start to have any doubts about the usability Netherlands WhatsApp Number of your site,  check on Google’s Test my Site, it’s free!) How to speed up the page? There are some measures you can take to improve the speed of your mobile site. We have chosen 5 of them, the simplest ones: 1- Reduce HTTP requests to the server. Up to 80% of the loading time of a page is due to the download of the various components, such as images, scripts and style sheets.

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It is recommended to keep

To do this, you can take two approaches: reduce the download Afghanistan Phone Number List size by compressing and optimizing the files, or reduce the download frequency. 2- Put Javascript code at the bottom, CSS at the beginning Running Javascript code takes time and resources.


If this is given priority, obviously the loading of the styles and html will take place at a later time, making the wait longer for the user.only the original Javascript codes at the top of the page, while the others can be placed at the bottom. 3- Load above-th, so that the user can start browsing while the rest of the site is still loading .


Eliminate 404 errors and reduce redirects It’s time to take out Google Search Console and check that there are no broken links or 301 errors on your pages, which add precious milliseconds to page loading and make navigation worse. 5- TGoogle.

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