As regards its definition, we quote the one used in 2005 for the first time by HubSpot , an American company that produces marketing software: As opposed to older outbound marketing methods like buying ads, buying email lists, and praying for leads, inbound marketing focuses on creating quality content that attracts people to your company and product, where they naturally want to be. . By aligning the content you publish with your customer’s interests, it’s natural to attract inbound traffic that you can convert, close, and delight over time. Today we will see together how to apply this methodology and what differentiates it from outbound marketing.

Inbound marketing tools

For each of the stages of the Cayman Islands Phone Number List funnel (which we will describe in detail shortly) there are different, specific tools. So what are the most important tools to attract, convert, close and delight? There are three main inbound marketing tools to attract : Blogging The best way to attract new visitors to your website, because thanks to this tool you will be able to create valuable and updated content that answers their questions and offers useful information. Search engine It doesn’t matter whether they will buy on the Internet or in-store: your potential.

Phone Number Data

First phase: ATTRACTING

Attract – not “disrupt” – the right people USA WhatsApp Number List to your brand. What does “right” mean? It only means the people who are most likely to become contacts; simply put, people potentially interested in your product or service.  The inbound method, on the other hand, is ideal for attracting only the right people to our site , so it won’t be difficult to bring them to the second phase of the process (from visitors to contacts). For this to work, it is essential to know the habits, problems and objectives of our ideal customers , only in this way will we know what the fuses are that can ignite their interest in us.