If at 12 years old you need

A super green pass to play football? where do our values ​​go?

I will not go into the merits of the reasons that led to the introduction of the green If at pass ? while expressing total opposition to its adoption and its continuation also in light of the evidence that shows its limitations as a measure to contain the spread of the virus? but that sport is essential for healthy growth? both physical and mental health? is known and you don’t have to be a doctor to say it .

If these restrictions are

The eyes of the writer? incomprehensible to pakistan phone number library adults? they are heartbreaking if they are suffered by young people who? upon reaching the age of twelve (and only in our country? let us add)? are prohibited from participating in team sports as well as in any other social activity to which they have a birthright.

A few days ago ? Maria Cristina Antonucci and I wrote about Amnesty Italy ‘s position on the executive’s decisions. Shortly afterward? voices from part of civil society linked to sport are raised.

Still few? to tell the truth

But an important signal that deserves to be listened to and I all your questions and recommendations on measuring seo hope it will make us all reflect.

For example? the Veneto Regional Committee FGIC alb directory and LNC does not agree with an appeal shared by more than 50 sports clubs. It reads.

“I will not be the responsible manager who will prohibit dozens of our kids and athletes who do not comply with the new FIP regulations from entering the gym to play: I am not a manager who is good for all seasons”.

And so? Valerio di Battista ? historical manager of the Unibasket Lanciano company ? in the province of Chieti ( go to the news )? has resigned? contesting the obligation of the super green pass for children and? from the company’s Facebook page? concludes.


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