Forgetting to analyze the content published by your competitors

Forgetting to analyze the When planning a social media calendar, many people forget to check out their competitors’ posts. This means they miss out on signals that can only be gained through competitor analysis. Your competitors’ social media accounts can help you identify trends, strategies, and areas of interest to your audience, allowing you to adapt your strategy accordingly.

The Social Media Tracker tool Forgetting to analyze the is specifically

designed to help you track your competitors’ social media pages and their content. You can add up to 20 competitors to track their Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google+ accounts. You can also analyze the entire content of all the profiles you’ve entered, or focus on each competitor specifically to take a closer look at their strategy:


Social Media Tracker also offers a report that provides insight into the content formats your competitors are using, and determines which ones generated the most interactions:

Finally, review the Top Content report mentioned above to discover your competitors’ top-performing posts on each social network.

Once you have all the information you need about your competitors’ posting habits and their most effective posts, use it and adapt it to your branding, strategy, and audience. Here are some examples of how to do this:

Write your own improved version of the content

Did your competitor publish an article that generated a lot of questions from readers? Make sure to answer those questions in your post and add your own personal touch to the content.

Take note of their technical decisions and adapt them. Pay attention to things like which post formats are most successful. Are your competitors buy phone number list using exceptional infographics? Or are their text-only posts generating extremely high engagement rates? If you notice that certain content formats are generating more interaction, it’s probably time to adjust your strategy by incorporating similar formats that are working for your competitors.

Research strategies and topics

Take a look at the types of content your competitors are sharing. Are they focusing on the competition and special offers? Or are they posting videos about how a product is made? You may get new content ideas to add to your social strategy.

We hope this article helps you avoid some of the most common social media content planning mistakes and align your content with your business’s strategic goals.

Once you’ve set your posting schedule, use Social if at 12 years old you need Media Poster to design and schedule all your social media posts and track your results.

Custom Publishing Program

Setting a custom schedule in your social media posting calendar is very convenient because it saves you from wondering how many items you’ve already posted in a day or when to schedule your next post. Your weekend posting rhythm may vary:

Personal publication goals

By default, the tool sets a goal of 4 posts per day fax marketing per social network, but you can change this value in the settings. The colored bar above the calendar indicates how you’re doing in relation to your goals. If the number of scheduled posts is lower than you planned, the bar won’t reach the dotted line.


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