According to Google, Ga4 is a Completely New Approach to Data Collection and Processing. Its Introduction is Primarily a Response to the Changing Behavior and Needs of Internet Users.
In the Past, Users Only Used a Desktop or Laptop Computer. Today, Many Other Devices Appear in the Purchasing Process. Unfortunately, Ua is Not Able to Combine the Activity of One User on Several Devices, Which Makes the Analysis of His Path Ineffective. Ga4, However, Copes With This Task Perfectly.

Does everyone need to move to Google Analytics 4

Currently, Both the Old and New ws database Versions of the Service Are Available. From July, Universal Analytics Will Stop Processing Data and You Will No Longer Be Able to Use It.
For This Reason, Google Announced the Transition to Ga4 in 2022. Thanks to This, Specialists and Website Owners Have Time to Familiarize Themselves With the Tool and Migrate Data. Transferring is Inevitable for Everyone. So It’s Worth Doing It as Soon as Possible.the Way Data is Collected is One of the Biggest Differences Between Ga4 and Ua. The New Version of the Service Uses an Event-based Model Rather Than a Session-based Model.
This Means That All Data – From Session to Page View – is Sent to the Tool as Events. This Provides Greater Flexibility and Broader Possibilities When It Comes to Compiling Data and Creating Reports.

What are the attribution models in Google Analytics 4

In Universal Analytics, the Default Phone Number IR Attribution Model is Last Indirect Click in Almost All Reports . Other Models Are Only Available in Multi-channel Funnel Reports. This Means That the Entire Share of Generating Conversions Goes to the Last Channel in Which the User “Clicked”.
As We Know, This Does Not Work in Every Case, Because the User’s Final Decision May Be Influenced by Various Content and Marketing Channels.
In Ga4, You Can Choose the Attribution Model Yourself, Although Their Availability Depends on the Scope in Which You Are Preparing the Report.