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  • It is useful for every user to know

    It is useful for every user to know how to fix error 400 so as not to be left without the ability to use the Internet.In the labor market, companies strive to attract the best personnel and maintain employee loyalty. The manufacturing and industrial sector is no exception. Anna Klimenko, ORM SERM specialist at Ingate Reputation, will tell whatsapp data you how competent work with an HR brand can help companies attract qualifi personnel and retain valuable employees.

    How to solve these problems

    How to Prevent Negative Reviews
    It is useful for every user to know  Today, the manufacturing sector is actively developing, the volumes of trade turnover and cargo transportation are growing, and retail trade is becoming more popular. Therefore, the demand for qualifi specialists who can not only increase production, but also monitor the quality of goods and customer service is increas.
    We analyz open sources and you so underestimate my intelligence that compil a list of manufacturing specialties that are most in demand on the labor market in the Northwestern Feral District. It includes such professions as engineers, production line operators, technicians, and others.
    Analysis of the HR market in the manufacturing sector: job trends and talent attraction features – image 1

    How do top employers attract these specialists today? When describing vacancies, they emphasize the following conditions:

    official registration – 17%;

    VHI – 14%;

    payment for travel and provision of transport – 11%;

    career growth – 11%;

    training new employees – 11%;

    Possibility of shift work – 11%.

    Analysis of the HR market in the manufacturing sector: job trends and talent attraction features – image 2

    However, many vacancies lack other important points that should be specifi. For example, provision of food, housing, special clothing. If you invite an employee from another city, you ne to take care of this.

    Problems of modern employers

    Today, employers face a number europe email of problems when searching for suitable candidates. Let’s look at the most popular ones:

    Lack of qualifi specialists. People who are looking for work do not always have enough skills that the employer nes.

    Salaries and working conditions that do not always match employee expectations. In addition, labor costs may be high for certain positions, but the pay does not match them.

    High turnover of specialists – not everyone manages to retain employees.

    Race for talent. Companies compete for the best candidates, which increases the costs of hiring and retaining employees.

    Lack of ucational programs for employees: not everyone has the opportunity to retrain their staff.

    How to solve these problemsCompetitive offer

    First, you ne to create a competitive offer on the labor market that will attract the right specialists. The vacancy should meet not only your expectations, but also the expectations of the applicant.

    Please be sure to include the following:

    market salary and bonuses;

    benefits and concessions;

    opportunities for career advancement;

    corporate culture;

    technological equipment;

    strong employer brand;

    cooperation with ucational institutions;

    relocation of employees.

    Employee avatar
    It is important to understand who you want to attract to your team. To do this, you ne to create an avatar of the ideal employee, that is, an average portrait, compil from the characteristics and hobbies of your employees. Depending on what your ideal employee is like, you will create a competitive offer and describe the working conditions.