Activation box Next there is the activation box. This activation box component represents the time needed for an object to complete its task. The longer it takes, the longer the activation box will automatically be.  Lifeline Next is the lifeline.  This lifeline usually has a box containing objects whose function is to describe the activity of the object. Object The next component is an object.  Usually objects function to document the behavior of an object in a system.

Apart from that the purpose

or messages. This component is to describe communication between objects. Messages usually appear sequentially on the lifeline. This messages component is represented by an arrow. The essence of a sequence diagram is in the lifeline and message components. Example of Sequence Diagram You must be curious, right, what does this sequence diagram look like? The following is an example when a student (user) logs in.What is a Sequence ws number list Diagram and Examples In the example above, there is one actor (student) and four objects, namely User login, system, database, and dashboard. First, students will enter the user login display using their ID and password. Then, the system will send the data to the database for validation.

will be checked and validated

Whatsapp Number List

In the database, student data .  Meanwhile, if the data entered is correct and valid, the system will display the application dashboard. Conclusion So how? Do you now know what a sequence diagram is? Please re-read the material above. If you want to improve your skills regarding Phone Number IR sequence diagrams, try making your own diagrams. That way, you can explain how the  a certain output. and closely related to use case diagrams, where one use case diagram will become one sequence diagram. Purpose of Sequence Diagrams The main purpose of creating a sequence diagram is to determine the sequence of events that can produce the desired output.