What is Digital Advertising? How it works and what it is used for

2020 was proof of this: in the midst of Covid-19, the figure for investments in online advertising . Even exceeded those on TV. With over 44.1 million unique users connected in italy (with an average of over 2 hours spent online) the. The potential for companies to reach new customers with sponsored content, at different. Times of their day, is becoming increasingly concrete and decisive. But what is digital advertising? What are the benefits and how to integrate it into your digital strategy? In this article we talk about it in detail.

What is Digital Advertising

Digital Advertising (online advertising) is a method Spain Phone Number List of disseminating paid advertisements through the use of online channels. This type of sponsorship is often used by companies to promote the promotion of products or services online. Thanks to Digital Advertising tools, a company or brand has a greater chance of being noticed by customers, reaching various target users immediately and simultaneously with lower costs and measurable results. But what are the advantages of exploiting Digital Advertising? digital advertising definition The benefits of Digital Advertising Internet advertising has become a priority investment in the marketing and communication budget for companies because it can be used across all the main channels that make up the Digital Customer Journey.

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Digital Advertising in Italy

The Global Ad Spend Forecasts report , carried out by USA Phone Number List the dentsu international company , highlights how Italy is in fifth place in the world for advertising growth expected in 2021 . TV, radio and digital dominate, on which small and medium-sized businesses also rely, with important results. In 2020, the decline in the advertising market due to the pandemic was -12%. However, the sector that was least affected was digital advertising, with -4%.

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