A test full of unknowns

With a preface by Ken Burnett ? Federica De Benedittis ‘s new book (pictured? former lecturer at the Fundraising Academy) is being released today in the Contenuti per il sociale series . It is the ideal tool to accompany our organizations in this difficult era in which namibia phone number library very little is still certain and the future is an unknown that we must learn to face with determination? tenacity and vision.

The crisis created by the pandemic

Emergency first and the current geopolitical tensions that characterize our times beyond our front door? raise crucial questions about the role? motivations and objectives that social organizations must question themselves on? in the face of unstable socio-economic scenarios that instead require concrete and factual answers.

The task of a non-profit organization that wants to live and re-propose itself thanks to the current complexity in progress? must reconcile different needs? in the awareness that in a global context with increasing tension such as the contemporary one? lucidity? flexibility? emotional then we will understand better intelligence? ethical culture and mastery in managing changes by experimenting with new decision-making approaches are require.

As a publisher

I am truly happy and proud to have been able to work on this product over these months and to have put my signature on it.

And riches to be share with organizations that want alb directory to seize opportunities for growth and transformation? while the crisis calls into question certainties and consolidated practices.

With Federica De Benedittis? contributions by Marco Crescenzi ? Francesco Pozzi ? Chiara Curiale ? Silvia Superbi? Non-profit organizations in change. Strategies and tools to face the time of uncertainty and complexity is available from today in paperback format (124 pages? 17 euros at this link with flaps or on Amazon with a fixed price) and in eBook format (9.99 euros)


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