On the other hand, the general strategy of the platforms that are not officially editorial There are platforms but are in fact increasingly becoming so, seems to be to favor the rise of many influencers , adequately “pushed” by the algorithms, which however do not guarantee an increase in quality and the diffusion of good information.
For this reason, there is also a shift of users to entertainment social networks (TikTok) or those linked to spheres of interest, such as Instagram.
In the middle, however
Every digital movement, crushed between keyboard warriors, the polarization of every discourse and the ineffectiveness of moderation systems, automated with increasingly sophisticated AI Artificial Intelligence systems , sometimes very “stupid” though, which mexico phone number library increasingly govern our lives.
In this apocalyptic and dystopian scenario that actually reflects our lives now, what to do?
In addition to building awareness around these mechanisms, taking a break then we will understand better when we feel the need. “Disconnecting” from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, in moments of overload both for personal reasons and because of the social and political context we are living, can only be healthy.
And then rethink. Rethink our life, our time management.
Understand that, perhaps
It is more useful for our content to remain accessible adb directory on our site, on our blog, that it be more easily indexed and searchable. Consider that we can inform our community more effectively through a well-written newsletter or by creating an ad hoc group .
In the meantime, the break will certainly help us understand what and who we missed. To select new users, new sources of information, new communities. Or to put on hold those we consider “harmful”.
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