Measure the quality of your website’s SEO

They say that quality is a subjective term and therefore cannot be measured, however, throughout this article we will learn how to measure the quality of our website’s SEO traffic and all of this using Google Analytics.

Perhaps in some aspects, quality is a term that we use from a personal perspective, but luckily in SEO and Content Marketing, we can Measure the quality measure all our actions and we can do it in many ways.

The important thing in these cases is to set germany email list some basic KPIs before planning our strategy, but keeping an eye on a “plan B” that we can organize as we execute our actions and they yield results.

For all these reasons, in this article I am going to show you how we can effectively measure the quality of SEO web traffic in Google Analytics.

In fact, we can measure web traffic in general and its quality, but here we will focus only on the traffic coming from SEO, so that this post is easier to understand.

Please note that any questions Measure the quality Measure the quality you may have on this topic can be made public in the comments at the end of the article.

What is web analytics in SEO and why do we need it?

It is very common for content-heavy use high quality user-friendly website design websites, such as newspapers, to have a high bounce rate, low average time on site, and a low number of pages per visit.

Typically, to put it in context, this is because users visit them to consume the latest content, leaving without barely interacting with the website and resulting in the high bounce rate we mentioned.

Let’s learn about the measurement possibilities of Google Analytics

By default, Google Analytics only phone number spanish shows us the time spent on a page when a visitor has visited two or more pages, creating an average of those viewed from the second page onwards.

In terms of SEO and Content Marketing (which are so closely linked today) this is a point where we can improve.


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