As we all know, being self-employed means working for yourself and constantly. Above all, however, in e-commerce you are taking on internet giants such as Amazon, eBay and Alibaba. In order not to suffer shipwreck with your own small business, you need a lot of courage and skill.
In this article, you will find out why more and more entrepreneurs are starting a small business despite these prejudices and why the big internet pie is far from being divided up. We will also tell you what characterizes a small business, what you need to consider when starting a business , the differences to small businesses and why small online shops in particular are increasingly outsmarting the big ones.
Starting a small business: The most important things at a glance
- registering as self-employed
- estimated turnover in the year of establishment is less than €25,000
- estimated turnover in the following year is less than €100,000
- registering with the tax office under the small business regulation
- All legal forms possible
Breaking Free from Constraints: Why People Become Independent
Let’s start with the basic question: Why do so many people take the plunge and start their own small business? The educational platform Jugend Gründet provides a comprehensive answer . According to this, qatar email list there are five important reasons for self-employment.
1. The desire for self-determination
For more and more people, presentation of your work self-determination in one’s job is part of a fulfilling life. Simply doing what the boss tells you to do and dealing with unpleasant colleagues every day no longer fits the picture for many people.
Find out what you need to pay attention to when it comes to dropshipping taxes .
2. Make your own ideas a reality
If you spontaneously come up with an idea for a game-changing app or the service the world has been waiting for, then self-employment is usually the most attractive, most promising and shortest way to implement it.
3. Fill your wallet
No matter how good your salary may be as an employee, china phone numbers at some point you will reach a limit that does not exist for the self-employed. Or to put it another way: Bezos, Musk and Gates did not become billionaires by collecting their paycheck every month.
4. Freely organize your time
If you start your own business, you can decide when. And how much you want to work. If you are unattached and have a lot of energy, you might also throw yourself into business life on the weekends. If you have small children and would like to spend more time with them, you can scale back your workload a little.
5. End unemployment
Finally, for many people, starting a business is a chance to finally have a regular income again. Self-employment offers the opportunity for a new professional start – at your own pace, according to your own rules and with your own ideas.
When are you a small business owner?
Now you know a few reasons for being self-employed, but what is the best way to get started? If you are just starting out and perhaps only want to work as a self-employed person on a part-time basis, it is probably sufficient to opt for the small business regulation and start as a so-called small business owner.
Here is a brief clarification of terms to avoid misunderstandings. We are talking about small business owners as a tax regulation and not small businesses as a company definition in the EU. As a small business owner, you register the small business regulation according to Section 19, 1 of the Sales Tax Act (UStG) with the tax office when you start your business. This means you do not have to charge sales tax . You can therefore start with lower prices than your competitors because your customers do not have to pay sales tax. Of course, this also means less administrative work for you because you no longer have to submit a sales tax advance declaration.
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